Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 57!

Day 57!

Okay, so I only briefly looked through your essays and I saw some errors that you should be way past by now. SO, I am going to give you back your essays. First, I want you to read through them out loud, make sure they make sense. Then I want you to ask yourself the following questions:

- Did I use proper grammar and spelling throughout the entire paper?
- Did I avoid using any untouchables?
- Does the tone of my entire paper match my purpose (to convince your audience)?
- Does my Works Cited page meet ALL of the requirements?

If you answered "no" to any of these questions (both of you have at least one "no"), then this is your chance to fix it. Really think about how I am going to grade this. Look back through all of the requirements to make sure you meet them. I will give you about 20 more minutes to read this paper out loud and do your last revisions.

Once you are done with that, we can finally pick back up with Commonly Confused Words! Remember, you're building your own definitions and examples now!

Please include:  the word, part of speech, definition, and an example of how it can be used correctly! Then, complete the exercises

1. passed vs past

1. Carl had many secrets hiding in his shady (passed, past). 
2. Chang-Rae  (passed, past) his driver's test on his first try. 
3. Jim  (passed, past) "Go" four times while playing Monopoly, and not once did he go to jail. 
4. Players from the  (passed, past) were on the field to honor Ted Williams. 
5. In the  (passed, past), I have tried to overlook your rude comments, but I no longer can. 

2. raise vs rise

1. Write four sentences. Use raise  in two and rise in two
2. Please (raise, rise) for the flag salute.
3. To avoid everyone talking at once, please (raise, rise) your hand to be called upon.
4. Sigmund and Hilda (raise, rise) llamas on their farm for a living.

3. whose vs who's

1. Janice is the sophomore (whose, who's) representing the class at the board meeting. 
2. Noah is the soccer player (whose, who's) jersey number is 62.
3. We need to know (whose, who's) fault the accident was so we can initiate legal action. 
4. Tell me, (whose, who's) the one who put that graffiti on the back wall of the school?

5. We don't know (whose, who's) going to be the center on the basketball team. 

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